Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Laser Guided Scissors


The built-in Laser helps you get straight cuts in paper and fabric, whether gift wrapping or working on a project at home or in the office.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Innovative Two Way Doors

Allows the door to be opened in both directions of travel with a simple push.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Trains that don't stop!

Concept that allow trains to move without stopping between stations! That's the future of our train experience!

(clip in mandarin)

No time is wasted. The bullet train is moving all the time. If there are 30 stations between Beijing and Guangzhou, just stopping and accelerating again at each station will waste both energy and time.

A mere 5 min stop per station (elderly passengers cannot be hurried) will result in a total loss of 5 min x 30 stations or 2.5 hours of train journey time!

How it works

1. For those who are boarding the train : The passengers at a station embarks onto to a connector cabin way before the train even arrives at the station. When the train arrives, it will not stop at all. It just slows down to pick up the connector cabin which will move with the train on the roof of the train.

While the train is still moving away from the station, those passengers will board the train from the connector cabin mounted on the train's roof. After fully unloading all its passengers, the cabin connector cabin will be moved to the back of the train so that the next batch of outgoing passengers who want to alight at the next station will board the connector cabin at the rear of the train roof.

2. For those who are getting off: As stated after fully unloading all its passengers, the cabin connector cabin will be moved to the back of the train so that the next batch of outgoing passengers who want to alight at the next station will board the connector cabin at the rear of the train roof. When the train arrives at the next station, it will simply drop the whole connector cabin at the station itself and leave it behind at the station.

The outgoing passengers can take their own time to disembark at the station while the train had already left. At the same time, the train will pick up the incoming embarking passengers on another connector cabin in the front part of the train's roof. So the train will always drop one connector cabin at the rear of its roof and pick up a new connector cabin in the front part of the train's roof at each station.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Daniel Rozin is an artist that specialize in interactive digital art. Link to his bio

I decided to do a study on him as he is well known of his installations and sculptures that have the unique ability to change and respond to the presence and point of view of the viewer.

These are a few of his popular work:

Wooden Mirror - 1991

Built in 1999, this is the first mechanical mirror DANIEL ROZIN built. This piece explores the line between digital and physical, using a warm and natural material such as wood to portray the abstract notion of digital pixels.

I like how the video capture and it send the black and white pixelate images to the computer, then the black and white values corresponds on the wood to twit to the right angle. It sound complicated but it actually work! It's a lot of technical work and I really don't know how he come out with such a crazy yet amazing idea!

It's like a mirror but it's not a mirror. He understand the art of pixels and using that to form such a beautiful art piece.

Weave Mirror - 2007

768 C shaped prints 768 motors, video camera, control electronics.
Size 57 inches H, 78 inches W, 8 Inches D
Weave Mirror assembles 768 motorized and laminated C-shaped prints along the surface of a picture plane that texturally mimics a homespun basket. A seemingly organic smoky portrait comes in focus to the sound made by the sculpture’s moving parts. Informed by traditions of both textile design and new media, the Weave Mirror paints a picture of viewers using a gradual rotation in greyscale value on each C-ring. A playful juxtaposition between the rustic and photographic, this sculpture is suspended from the ceiling. Its functional circuitry and wiring is visible behind the picture plane, exposing its craft.

At first sight I thought the material used to make this mirror was some cloth or fabric (that are use to weave) since the title was name Weave Mirror. Little did I expect it was shaped prints from motors.

From his works, we can tell he's very enthusiastic about mirrors and half of his designs were about mirrors.

Hopefully his next piece of art work on Mirrors, maybe in a few years down the road, he will create an image that look-alike but somehow the perfect side of us.

In today society, everyone were into perfection. Plastic surgeries is like a norm. People want to look perfect; long and sharp nose, big eyes, bigger eye lids, bigger boobs, slender arms and waists... etc

Maybe... just maybe... he can create a mirror that can reflect on how one can transform to someone that they wish to look like. Haha!

You can say 'lying to self' but it's somewhere we can escape from reality.
Just some random thoughts that come across my mind..

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Alive Gallery

(English version)

(Korean version)

Do you know that there's one at Singapore, Downtown east now! I've not been there but I heard from my friends it was okay, not as good as what they've expected. Well, we've to be there to find out for ourselves! :)

Paintings that talk and move... That's not what other Museums you've been too isn't?
Now even Museums go interactive! You don't see children in Museums smiling away but this children enjoys this Museum! Nothing is impossible these days...

This can encourage children and teenagers to visit more of such Museum. I really like the idea of your painting become an interactive art work. It's like a new art movement created! It inspire young designers like me to work harder to have our interactive art work put on such Museum.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

All about touch-screens and technology

Yes, this post will be talking about touch-screens and technology in design.

A touch screen is a computer display screen that is also an input device. The screens are sensitive to pressure; a user interacts with the computer by touching pictures or words on the screen.

Something that's not new but worth sharing!

The technology of touch screen and interactive design...

Let's start from this:

This video shows 4 scenes of interactive installation. Featuring interactive reactive water, smoke, reactive dice and an interaction with conway's game of life. It's the start of such display made. They thought it would sell if such displays were put in shopping centers for shoppers to interact and they see further market in such installation.

"A projection based interactive installation for Lenovo's head office showroom in North Carolina. A large body of 3D virtual water is projected along the corridor's wall. Visitors walking by are optically tracked and their motion is translated to ripples and waves along the wall."

I thought it was quite cool with the given technology 4 years back... I can walk all day along the corridor and never get bored! HAHA! :P

Eye click - http://www.eyeclick.com/

They sell interactive floors, surfaces, tables, windows...

This interactive design can be found in shopping centers now. I believe this was like 4 years ago when touch screen became so popular in designs. People like the experience of getting things done with just a finger click away and also the feedback they receive after clicking. Maybe this was why iphone came about. Hehe!

Now we experience such touch-screen interactive application in our daily life. Just take our phones for example, most of us are already carrying a smart phone!

And not to forget our newest ipad in town:
I've caught a few people carrying them on MRT already and People were staring at them! I mean literally STARE. O_O

4 years ago, touch screen was W-O-W! Everybody make a big hoo-ha over it. Now, majority are carrying them where ever they go, be it their Nintendo DS, Smart phone...etc

I wonder what is 4 years from now? ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Musical Coffee Table

"Amusity is a interactive tangible user interface coffee table, that displays your entire music collection. Amusity allows you to play, watch the music video and see additional information about each song. In addition meta data such as popularity and genre control the way the music is displayed - popular songs in the center, rare songs in the outskirts. In addition activating a certain song will display recommended songs based on past play lists."

It's quite a good idea to make Coffee Table musical. But I think it can only be place at home? I thought it would be cool if they place such coffee table on Starbucks, Coffee beans but then it will be very noisy as all the tables produce 'music'. You won't want your favorite "music" become "noise"!!! (They can provide headset!)

I really like the visual effect they see on top of the Coffee table, it's really futuristic and high tech. Able to see lyrics, details of the songs... or even profile of the singers. Let say this song was sang by a new artist, I can click it easily and know more about her.

I believe this coffee table can bring people together with music and open up more topics on music. I'm sure music lovers will love this interactive design.