Monday, May 31, 2010

Fun theory - Bottle Bank Arcade

Again! Fun theory! What I like about Fun theory is that they solve problems with fun and simple way. Not my futuristic, advanced technology way. But back to basic.

I love solving problems with 'fun' method!!!

It's a good way to encourage people to Recycle bottles while having fun!

Some other examples I found:

Transparent bin - Found on google

Although there's no feedback when you throw the bin or any interaction, I feel that this design still manage to get it's objectives - Recycling plastic bottles.
It's in a very clean and sleek design, with transparent outer that allows users/passer-bys to see what's inside the bin.

Of cause, this design should never be use for normal bins that we see in public. It's an eye sore to design such a thing! However, this particular design serve its purpose as a recycling bottle. People will only bin recycling bottle as passer-bys can tell what the users are actually throwing. You won't want to be embarrassed in public that you can't read English, or you're blind to differentiate this recycling bin and normal bins.

Credits - Urban dustbin that converts trash to compost

"Is something that will help you do your bit by “promoting composting from biodegradable waste.” What you do is, for instance, while tossing an apple into the dustbin, bio-reactive substances based on photo catalysis start rehashing the trash as compost. And you don’t even have to worry about the extremely foul smell that dustbins release because this bio-reactive substance removes odors and speeds up the process. The company hopes to have these huge bins in public spaces where people can drop their biodegradable trash from which compost can later be collected and used. The bin is made of stainless steel, aluminum, glass, polypropylene and polyethylene."

Instead of recycling only, this bin helps to compost biodegradable waste! How cool is that!

Did this using 3D MAX - some rough ideas of bins in public:

The combination of all the research: (for fun)

The green bin is what we can see on public. There's this number of trash collected on the bin itself to keep track of the trash. It sort of encourage people to bin. The bottom of the bin it's the recycling section where people recycle their bottles, paper and cans.

Similarly, using 3D max. This is my second rough idea:

People can throw and bin with the target. Amount of trash collected also will be shown. It's like the game of basketball. Just dunk it! The round cylinder in the middle is the Ash tray for smokers.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fun theory - The world's deepest bin

After watching this video, I got inspire to research on rubbish bins! Well, we see bins everywhere, every single day! It's our daily routine to bin something!

But how to improve our experience and sort of encourage people to bin?

Credit - Roly Poly

Adapted the all time favourite office game -shooting at the bin, and designed the Poly Poly bin.When being shoot at, responsively the bin will give physical feedback by rocking around.

Another shooting game for office bins - papers. With targets and points. The bin itself were made of paper, its a way to reuse paper!

This was designed for the beach. It's a good idea as we seldom see bins on the beach.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

313's HMV Survey

I was doing a survey on HMV last Sunday with my group mates: Michelle, Farida and Jeanie at 313 shopping mall. I swear I can remember all the names of our 15 survey-ers! Hehe. I won't write down their names though! (For privacy sake!)

These are our pictures evidences:

With Mr. professor

The 313's security guard(lady) was eye-ing on us, therefore, we just smile back (:D) and pretend to take photos of ourselves:
Play pretend

Two funny clowns
Helpful adults!

Group photo

Overall, I feel that our survey went really well! It's better than what I expected! To be honest, before I make my way down to HMV, I feel really unsure of conducting a survey in the shopping mall. However, we quickly managed to get a survey done on our first attempt. This really perks me up. Haha!

We usually target on people that carries a HMV plastic bag and we station ourselves a few shops away from HMV's. Maybe we're too thick-skin(to approach every possibilities), we get everything done within an hour!

Although we had to always keep a look-out on the securities of HMV's and 313's (Both sides), we managed to get 15 surveys done. Some survey-ers were really helpful to the extend that they help us to correct our questions to improvise on it when they know it's for school.

I try to make small conversations with the survey-ers while they're doing the surveys and I realized that I get more out of them as compared to the surveys paper they do. They tend to share more verbally than answering our questions on a paper.

Cheers! (;

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Survery form (HMV)

Marital Status:

1.) Did you make your trip to HMV alone?
- Yes
- If No: - Family/Relatives
- Friends
- Others: _________

2.) How often do you make a visit to HMV?
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Every half a year
- More than half a year
- Yearly
- Specify:_________

3.) How long do you spend your time at HMV?
- Less than half an hour
- Within an hour
- More than an hour

4.) What is your purpose on visiting HMV?
- Browsing
- Purchasing
- Listening to music

5.) What kinds of products do you purchase at HMV?
- CDs
Specify genre: _________
Specify genre: _________
- Gadgets/Accessories

6.) Which section do you often visit at HMV?
- Music
- Games
- Movies
- Gadgets/Accessories
- Others: _________

7.) What do you look for in HMV?
- Promotion/Sales
- Latest product
- New updates
- Specify:_________

8.) How much is your expenditure each visit?
- None
- Less than $50
- $50 - $100
- More than $100
- Others: _________

9.) Why do you choose to purchase at HMV?
_______________________________________ (Open-ended)

10.) Apart from HMV, do you visit other music stores? List down the stores.
_______________________________________ (Open-ended)

11.) How do you shop?
- On impulse
- Compare prices
- Plan before buying

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Personas (Improvised)

I'm doing a Personas of Billy!
And, this is my improve version from the first trial:

I want it to look fun(Coz' I'm having fun doing this!) and at the meantime readable. It allows viewers to view this persona with brisk. Well, hope I didn't mess up! ;)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Toilet bowl design

1. Research done on toilet seats:

Time flies! I remember sitting on this particular toilet bowl at japan's hotel 9 years ago! It's a memorable experience.

Briefly: Users are able to wash themselves after using it. It's convenient and user friendly with buttons placed on the side of the seat.

Briefly: Wow! Even toilet bowl have tabs on it! It allows everyone in your household to have their own personal toilet seat. It look so neat and clean!

"Toilet Pages is a reaction to the problem with wet and dirty toilet seats. Everyone is familiar with this situation. You are on the school or work simply public toilet, and the toilet seat is wet or dirty. You don’t want to sit on it! You don’t want to touch it! But you have to. The Toilet Pages solve and comment this situation. Why use public seat when you can have your own Toilet Pages on the pictures were made for family use but could be easily modified for places, where the small groups of people use the toilet repeatedly. Every person could have own personal toilet seat."

Children toilet corner
Toilet seat protector
Briefly: One of my friend is already using this product. This kind of give me an idea on my toilet bowl design.

2. Length of time spend in the toilet cubicle...
1 minute to 10 minute

3. The common issues these days are...
  • dirty seats (irresponsible toilet users)
  • left own belongings in the toilet (forgetful users)
4. State of mind... (In my opinion)
Usually when you're in the toilet, either you're in a rush or you're having other thoughts in mind. Why? Because, everything it's a routine, it's a habit...

When everything became a routine, YOU SIMPLE DON'T THINK! You just pee and go. It's that simple! You don't need me to list down the steps for you huh!

Now you know why many people lost their belongings inside the toilet. It's not that they were forgetful, it's because they simply shut their minds when they were in the toilet cubicle.

5. Sketches on my design:

toilet cover function: front view
There's something special about my toilet seat cover design.
How the toilet seat cover function?
When the cover is close, it...
  • cleans & dries the toilet seat
  • flushes the toilet. (Notice that there's no button to flush the toilet bowl?)
Thus, users do not need to be afraid of sitting on dirty seats, or, to use toilet roll paper/toilet seat protector to keep their ass from the seats. It allows the users to feel comfortable, safe and clean while they're having their toilet break.

toilet: top view
It's really simple!
  • Flip the cover down
  • Press the button
  • Give approximately 5 seconds to allow it to be clean and flush
  • Wait for the tick sign to be shown on digital screen
  • And it automatically flip it back up for you
As you can see, the toilet itself do not have any ledge for placing one's belongings. Or even the toilet flush where you can see at your public toilet. This was my ultimate goal!

I do not want users to place their belongings on them as they will tend to leave their belongings in the toilet.
Hence, I've come up with...

Keepable-table at the cubicle's door!
Why cubicle door?
This is where users are facing when they're using the toilet!
They will simply stare at the toilet door! (if they're not playing with their phones)

They're force to hang their belongings, or place them on the table as there's no other place for them other than the floor.

The table is for items that could not be hooked. Example wallets, books...

when table's open

It's design in the way that users will remember to bring their belongings out, since it's conveniently place right in front them.

I believe this will make the toilet experience totally enjoyable and no one will be the next victim in losing their belongings in the toilet.